Privacy Policy

Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa is responsible for managing personal information of employees, volunteers, and donors, ensuring compliance with privacy policies through the Executive Director. Personal information will be collected, used, and disclosed only for reasonable purposes, with implied consent unless otherwise stated. Individuals have the right to access and correct their information. The Agency will make efforts to maintain accurate and secure information, retaining it only as long as necessary. Specific purposes for collecting information include communication, payroll, performance reviews, regulatory requirements, and donor trend analysis. Information will not be shared, lent, traded, or sold, and all contracts will ensure legal responsibility for personal information. The Executive Director will oversee compliance, staff training, and public communication of the Agency’s privacy policy.

Complaint Policy

This policy applies to complaints about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa’s activities, programs, services, staff, or volunteers. Complaints should be handled promptly, fairly, and respectfully, with clear communication and escalation options. They can be received verbally or in writing, acknowledged within two business days, and resolved within ten business days. Unresolved complaints are escalated, aiming for resolution within a month. Significant complaints must be documented and reported annually to the Board. Complaints help improve services, and anyone affected can submit a complaint for review.

All complaints can be sent to: 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa
1645 Woodroffe ave. Room 12 

Ottawa, ON K2G 1W2
Phone: (613) 247-4776 x316
or by e-mail: 

Complaint and Privacy Policies