Mentoring can play an impressive role in the life of a Little. It’s also often life-changing for a Big. Meet You In School mentoring gives senior high school students and college students on placement an opportunity to act in a mentoring role with elementary school children between the ages of 7 and 11.
It’s an incredible opportunity to build a lasting friendship that will shape the lives of both people involved.
Sometimes, though, outings aren’t always possible. That’s why Meet You In School mentoring lets Bigs visit their Littles during the school year, opening doors to new opportunities and helping kids reach their full potential.
Training is provided to all Bigs prior to the start of the program. All meetings with their Little take place on school property and under the supervision of trained and experienced Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa staff.
To learn more about this program, or to find out how you can get involved, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa today.